Mode (Time of Day)


This is an example script that can be modified to suit your implementation. It will create a rule that will adjust a StringItem named Mode based on the time of day. Your modes are configured in configuration.mode_dict. Each Mode can be configured with Times and/or Channels. If both are used, the first one that occurs will trigger the Mode. If just a Time is used, the Mode will be set after saving the script or an openHAB restart. If a Channel is used, you will need to wait for the next trigger or manually update the``Mode``. If the Mode Item is manually changed to a state that is not a key found in the configuration.mode_dict, such as Party, the Mode will not be updated automatically and will need to be manually changed back to a mode in the dict for the automation to take pver again.


  • A Mode Item (the script will create it for you, if it does not exist)

  • The mode_dict OrderedDict added to and populated with times for your modes

from core.rules import rule
from core.triggers import when
import configuration
from configuration import mode_dict
from core.items import add_item

    from org.openhab.core.thing import ChannelUID
    from org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing import ChannelUID

from org.joda.time import DateTime, Interval

if not itemRegistry.getItems("Mode"):
    add_item("Mode", item_type="String", label="Mode [%s]", category="House")

def mode_trigger_generator(mode_dict):
    def generated_triggers(function):
        for mode in list(mode_dict.keys()):
            if mode_dict[mode].get("second") is not None and mode_dict[mode].get("minute") is not None and mode_dict[mode].get("hour") is not None:
                when("Time cron {} {} {} * * ?".format(mode_dict[mode]["second"], mode_dict[mode]["minute"], mode_dict[mode]["hour"]))(function)
            if mode_dict[mode].get("channel") is not None and mode_dict[mode].get("event") is not None:
                when("Channel {} triggered {}".format(mode_dict[mode]["channel"], mode_dict[mode]["event"]))(function)
        return function
    return generated_triggers

@rule("Update Mode")
@when("System started")
def update_mode(event):
    last_mode_of_day = mode_dict.items()[-1][0]
    new_mode = last_mode_of_day
    for i, (mode, value) in enumerate(mode_dict.iteritems()):
        if mode != last_mode_of_day:
            if event is None and mode_dict[mode].get("hour") is not None and Interval(
                        mode_dict.items()[i + 1][1].get("hour", value["hour"]),
                        mode_dict.items()[i + 1][1].get("minute", value["minute"] + 1),
                        mode_dict.items()[i + 1][1].get("second", value["second"]),
                    new_mode = mode
            elif hasattr(event, "channel") and mode_dict[mode].get("channel") is not None and == ChannelUID(mode_dict[mode].get("channel")) and event.event == mode_dict[mode].get("event"):
                new_mode = mode

    if items["Mode"] != StringType(new_mode) and (str(items["Mode"]) in mode_dict.keys() or isinstance(items["Mode"], UnDefType)):
        update_mode.log.debug("Mode changed from [{}] to [{}]".format(items["Mode"], new_mode))
        events.sendCommand("Mode", new_mode)
        update_mode.log.debug("Job ran but current Mode [{}] did not need to be changed: [{}]".format(items["Mode"], new_mode))